All prizes are subject to change. Offline donations will count only towards the overall prizes for most donors and the Big Donor Prize. Offline donations will not count towards any time-based prizes. Organizations can receive a maximum of two prizes. If an organization is chosen initially as a winner of more than two prizes, the organization will receive the two prizes with the highest dollar amounts.
The minimum amount for an offline donation to count as a unique donor is $5. If you are entering offline donations for your organization, remember that you can combine offline gifts of under $5, but you must only count one donor for the $5 minimum. EX. Five gifts of $1 = one $5 gift from ONE donor.
**Donors giving under the same name and different emails or emails that seem to be related will count as only one donor. CRCF reserves the right to exercise discretion in choosing prizes when irregularities arise.
The two prize rule does not apply to the Social Media Champion prize.